You Just Never Know How Complete Stangers Can Become Wonderful Friends!

Florida Bound for Fun and an Annual Pig Roast!

In August of 2015, I headed off to France and Spain with nothing but a backpack, determination, and an open mind to go for a short hike- 800 Km! ( WHAT was I thinking? OMG).

The only hiking I had previously done was from my condo to the car, and maybe a stroll around the Mall!

I survived my very first day. It was high up in the Pyrenees Mountains in France, and I made it, an 8 Km climb up! I was EXHAUSTED and frankly quite surprised I made Day 1!

After booking into my hostel, showering, and grabbing a beverage (electrolyte replenishment), I sat on a beautiful patio to take in the spectacular views of the Pyrenees.

View of the Pyrenees Mountains from the terrace action of the Hotsel Orrisson.
View of the Pyrenees Mountains from the terrace action of the Hostel Orrisson.



It was on that patio overlooking the mountains that I met 7 other strangers! We were all tired, hungry, thirsty and excited. WE BONDED! Our group of 8 travelled 300 Km together. We were friends, companions, bunk mates (all sharing 1 room in a hostel), and ate meals, and shared MANY laughs together.

In a restaurant in Zubirir on Day 3. Left to right; An, Helen, Kathy, Alison, Dan, Angela, George, and Dieter
In a restaurant in Zubiri on Day 3. Left to right; An, Helen, Kathy, Alison, Dan, Angela, George, and Dieter. We were EXHAUSTED!

A few of us separated due to time restrictions. People had only a certain amount of time to finish and schedules were different. Our group became 6 and we went another 300 Km as a group before we all split up.

Left to right; George, Helen, Dan, Alison, Angela, and Kathy. Our group of 8 split inot 6 after Pamplona but we kept in touch all the way through the Camino.
Left to right; George, Helen, Dan, Alison, Angela, and Kathy. Our group of 8 split into 6 after Pamplona but we kept in touch all the way through the Camino.
George and Alison
George and Alison
Dieter (who left us in Pamplona was in Santiago when Kathy finished her Camino). It was a month and 600 Km later when we met again!
Dieter (who left us in Pamplona was in Santiago when Kathy finished her Camino). It was a month and 600 Km later when we met again!
George, my friend I am off to visit in Florida today met me on the day I completed my Camino!
George, and I.   I am off to visit George in Florida today. He met me on the day I completed my Camino in Santiago! Funny story; George left Helen, Alison, Kathy, Angela and I in Burgos. We communicated afterwards via Facebook . We  were in Leon and saw George walking as we were in a taxi. From our taxi we started screaming through the window to him. It was great to see him in Leon. I left the group and went alone after Leon. I was a day or two behind George the rest of the way…he was TOO FAST for me to catch up to him again!

I learned a valuable life lesson on this adventure! Through being kind to people, saying hello, and sharing a laugh, I was able to form a friendship, bond with people who were all so different from me, and discover the beauty in other people! Our TOTAL group of strangers who met on a terrace on a mountain, bonded, shared so much together and began a life long friendship! You never know how important the people you meet can be to you.

I leave today for Florida to visit George, one of my friends that I met on El Camino. George and I shared so many laughs along the way. Even though we separated in Leon, George was there when I finished my hike in Santiago.

Folks, you never know how talking to someone you don’t know, can lead to a deep lasting friendship! I am so excited to travel today and catch up with George and his many friends who followed my blog and offered encouragement along the way!

BE KIND TO EACH OTHER, as you never know what can become of a chance meeting!


One pair of my actual shoes that I wore out and left on the Camino path!

4 thoughts on “You Just Never Know How Complete Stangers Can Become Wonderful Friends!

  1. That was so fun to read Dan. Have a safe trip and so looking forward to meeting you in person. Life is a wonderful journey!

  2. Dan I have been reading your blogs and have truly enjoyed your photos and your deep commentary. Life does get so busy and we truly have to stop and smell the roses. We also need to be aware of how we treat people. Listen have a great trip in Florida. Welcome to America!!! Where in Florida will you be?
    Take care
    Love always

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