Simple Kindness Goes a Long Way

Do Have What it Takes to Be Kind to Others?

Can You Be Kind to a Stranger Simply Because it Feels Good?

My entry today is simple, short, and to the point. Can we all learn to simply be kind to each other?


Today was a day off from hiking for me. It was my errand running day. I started my day in a great mood which I discovered might have been hard to maintain as the day progressed.

Within the first hour of leaving my house I witnessed severe road rage between two cars! I saw a woman berate and yell at a store clerk at the local coffee shop simply because her drink had way too much foam in it. I also got cut off on the road because I was doing the actual speed limit.

I have to say that by 10:30 am I was feeling a little on edge and that morning smile and hop to my step I began my day with, was looking more like a smirk and limp!

Why is it so hard to simply just be kind to each other?

There is one REALLY IMPORTANT thing that I learned while hiking the Camino this year. If we were just simply kind to each other, our world would be a much better place!


Please don’t think I am a saint or anything like that. I am not perfect. I can be high strung and quick tempered. I can be miserable … if I CHOOSE to be. I try to consciously choose NOT to be that way.

I can honestly say that I try to make a concentrated effort to be kind, to smile, and to get myself out of that negative mindset when it comes about. I find that some days are harder than others, but it is always possible. I ALWAYS feel much better afterwards.

I found myself having to do that today. I had to change how I was feeling after experiencing a morning of negativity. I decided to pay something forward for another person today. It made me smile. I hoped that smile was passed onto another person. It was much easier than being in a bad mood and taking my frustration out on others after what I experienced this morning.

It is actually easier to be kind to others than not to be. Being mean, angry, and bitter takes a lot of effort!

My Challenge to You

Can you do one thing for someone that is kind without expecting anything in return?

Can you perform one random act of kindness?

If you decide to do it, ask yourself how it felt,? How did your mood change? What was the impact on those who received that act?

Try it!  Have a Great Day!



One thought on “Simple Kindness Goes a Long Way

  1. I always encouraged random acts of kindness in my classroom. The students felt good when you acknowledged their good deed and the recipient was thrilled.
    Kindness never grows old and does much for the world. Thanks Dan for reminding us of this.

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