Hiking, Health, and Happiness

Physical Healing with Every Step!

I want to say Thank You to all of you who have commented or emailed me your advice, comments, input, and personal stories after I post on my blog. ALL feedback is truly meaningful and inspiring. Your comments help on those days when I want to hike, look at my gear, look outside and think….NOPE, not today. I always end up going anyways. I always end up taking photos I never dreamed I could take. I always end up feeling so much better and so much exhilarated afterwards!  THANK YOU!

Good Health News!

Those of you who know me well, and who have known me a long time are aware of some health struggles I have had over the last 5 years. You also know that I have gained so much weight and made every excuse in the book NOT to loose it! That weight gain has not helped my health issues.

Recently, I had a medical appointment with my cardiologist. It had been well over a year since my last stress test and I just wanted to check that all was well with my heart after having some heart surgery five years ago.

A Bit of Background Information Before I Go On;

In May of 2010, I was feeling very lethargic and had no energy. I was working out but getting dizzy each time I went to the gym. I was at times, blacking out. Something was wrong!

I had always been in top physical shape, I worked out, was very lean, was extremely fit, and had no health issues. I was obsessed with fitness. In 2010, I did not look like I did a year ago (1 year ago, I was at least 35 pounds overweight…long story for another post!). Time, work, genetics, and poor decisions (LOTS of excuses) led to my physical health demise.

I went to a cardiologist who did a stress test with me. After 1 minute into the test he pulled me off the machine and booked me into the hospital for the following day for and angiogram. During that test, I was concerned. I was partially groggy, set up on a table as they put a camera into the vein in my leg and directed it to my heart for a look. I had 3 blockages in my arteries! On the right side, 2 blockages were 54% and 69 %. On the left side of my heart, I had a 99% blockage. He was amazed I had not dropped dead during a workout never mind feeling dizzy.

Imagine lying there and hearing that news. He began to tell me that the other cardiologist overlooking the procedure was deciding right then if I was getting a stent (Angioplasty) or by-pass surgery (immediately)! I FREAKED!

I recall lying there remembering that my mother passed away at age 39 of heart issues and all her siblings died very young of heart trouble. My health demon surfaced and there was nothing I could do. I was immediately VERY depressed. I spent my whole life working out and being methodical about being fit and lean and BOOM, genetics overruled! I had totally forgotten about the heart being a genetic issue for my mom’s side of the family. I was the LAST person that anyone would have guessed had heart issues.

It ended up being 1 stent to fix the main blockage and then my life changed. Surgery went well but 1 year of blood thinners prevailed. I also began a life time prescription to statin drugs, and a consciousness that I had a battle to fight. 1 drug prescribed to me was Nitro Glycerin Spray just in case I had an angina attack or pain. I had to carry it with me for safety. Thank Goodness I was able to get rid of that spray 3 years ago!


My cardiologist smiled when I asked if there were any concerns with my heart. I have had no pain EVER, my heart rate when I exercise is normal and I bring up fairly high with no issues. I have felt great, been exercising a lot, lost weight, and even conquered El Camino.

He sat me down and said “Dan, you are doing so well. I see nothing to be remotely concerned about.  He has always told me that all is great! This latest stress test confirms that all is well and I my heart is fine! YIPEE!

I still have weight to lose. I struggled after the stent. Most people go ahead after such an experience and lose the weight etc. I can’t say why I gained  35 pounds post stent, but I did. There are no excuses, just the fact that I could only lose it when I decided to. Today, I am down 20 pounds and counting. Slow and steady wins the race.

Walking El Camino became a catalyst for a form of exercise that I adore…walking! The only hike I ever took prior to the Camino was the one I went on after people said “Go Take a HIke Dan”!

Why Am I Sharing This With You?

Yesterday I went for a 15 Km hike! LOL. It was “Cardio” day and I didn’t want to use a machine in a gym. The weather forecast said it was only 4-7 degrees Celsius, but the sun was shinning and I thought a walk along Lake Ontario on the east side of the city of Toronto was called for.

I just simply enjoyed the entire hike. The was 1 MAJOR challenge that I was not expecting, the weather!

It was hard to prepare for 4 seasons in 1 hike! When I began, it was lovely. I had perfect light for photography, some warm and bright sunshine, and some mild cloud. The temperature was mild and quite nice! In fact I took various layers of clothing off once I got going.  As I progressed, the rain clouds came in and the wins picked up. The temperature suddenly dropped. I got wet, but the rain turned to hail and it got really cold. The sun came back out and it warmed up again. This cycle continued for my entire hike! It was a very weird day.


The scenery was amazing! I took some of my best photos ever! It was such a peaceful and lovely day. I reflected upon the health issues over the last few years as I walked; heart, torn back disc, knee surgery, and arthritis. None of these things cause me much pain anymore or are a major cause for concern. Hiking El Camino leashed my ” inner hiker “and has provided a certain peacefulness within that drives me to keep on walking. I realized yesterday on the hike that I found what I needed to lose weight, de-stress, find peace, and enjoy beauty I just never noticed before – Hiking and Photography!

KEEP WALKING!  Pics from yesterday along Lake Ontario in Toronto.














5 thoughts on “Hiking, Health, and Happiness

  1. You are amazing Dan! How I appreciate your insights and discoveries and the stunning photos. Your journey is inspiring – because you are willing to share your struggles you are encouragement to others. Your story is having the ripple effect. My hope and prayer for you is that you will continue to hike and take photos for many years to come.

  2. Bravo fellow Peregrino!
    I think hiking The Camino awakened much of the same feelings you expressed, in other fellow Peregrinos, once they returned home. I too, have an urgent need to walk, or jog, every day. Peu importe le temps! I was a walker before I did The Camino, but I am now an avid, dedicated, fanatic walker, jogger and hiker. Here’s to spring and no longer having to dress for four seasons, all at once.

  3. I am so glad to hear about your improved health. That’s something to be proud of. I too am on a health journey. I joined a gym and I now go 3 times a week. I am involved in a boot camp and it has done wonders for me. I feel so much stronger now. I too need to lose weight but the main goal for me is to feel better. I am going to start walking but unlike you Dan I don’t walk in the winter so the gym was a solution for me. Keep walking Dan.

  4. Thanks for sharing these very personal moments with all of your friends, Dan. It is wonderful for me to see how El Camino gave you a new direction in retirement. When we are actively engaged in education, we sometimes loose sight of the “me”. I think you have found your “me”.

  5. I have to tell you how amazing I think your photos are, and your insights are inspiring.
    I hope you are entering the Toronto Star photo contest. There is a $1,000. prize each month and this month’s theme is “Reflections”. Go to StarTouchImages.com

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