Issac Newton had his theory, but the Spanish have one of their own: YOU ARE ALWAYS WALKING UP, THEN IMMEDIATELY WALKING BACK DOWN!
Today was amazing and tough at the same time. We departed Pamplona in the dark at the crack of dawn. We knew we had a big climb to reach Alto del Perdon!
I found Pamplona to be extremely friendly and the most interesting place. I shouldn’t be surprised that it had its own unique flavour to it because after all, this is the city where they do the annual Running of the Bulls in the streets!
As we left this morning, almost every single person we passed, stopped to wish is a Buen Camino. They took time to guide us on the right path. They all seemed genuinely interested in the fact that we were pilgrims heading to Santiago.
We walked in extreme heat (34 degrees with humidity), and covered 19.69 Km in 7 hours, 22 minutes, going straight up and then immediately back down in true Spanish fashion.
Below are some photos I took as our group was walking this am. We could see a huge peak with a row of windmills. Yes, we were climbing again ( I can’t wait for flat land).

 I don’t have many down photos because my legs ached and I was staring at the ground the whole time. LOL
Dear Friends of Kathy, Helen, Alison, Angela, and George; Thank You for following this blog, Enjoy!
I know you are having the experience of your life, Dan. Today at coffee I was sharing your il camino with Judy, i.e. St. Augustine church, Pamplona etc. and she wants to follow you so I will be sending her your blog and I am sure you will hear from her.
P.S. Your Fitbit is registering way more steps than mine.
Enjoy every minute even the “tiredness”
Hey Dan
I vividly remember that downhill. There was a mom and daughter walking and the mom fell and broke her ankle.
I concentrated so hard on that downhill, placing feet and piles carefully. Don’t know if anyone told you this but you should lengthen your poles a bit on steep downhills and shorten them on sharp uphold. I’m so envious of your journey. It brings me back to my Camino last September. Lots of great stuff ahead. Burn Camino!
Dan….nice to met you through this blog! I am George’s friend. My husband Jerry (Jer-Bear) and I have traveled with George in Spain. I also worked and played with Kathy back in the 70’s. Thank you for helping keep both safe. They are both dear friends!. Love you blog….and happy walking!
Hello Walking Dan
Ditto Nan’s comments. I have really enjoyed your stories and beautiful photos. Thank you for taking the time to share with everyone. This is an amazing journey. Say hello to George and Kathy for us. I’m following her blog also. I have no doubt we will meet you in person one day and look forward to it. Take care of yourselves and have a fantastic time.
Hey Dan I am glad to see you have walking sticks. Fabulous photos. Hang in there and enjoy the moment. I figured out how to get to Toronto Island by bike today. I cheated by using the GO train. I imagine you would fancy a lift like this for 46 km or so!
Dan, I am Kathys husband. I just wanted to thank you for adopting her into the the “Treking 8” family and taking such good care of her. I think she is enjoying the groups company so much she is liable to go home with one of you at the end of the journey. You are doing a fantastic job with your blog describing the walk as well as great photos. The blog information provided by both you and Kathy gives me a good understanding of what you pilgrims are experiencing. Keep up with the good work and i wish you and the group the best of luck. Take care. Gene Hein