Hi All:
Today, I hurt, especially my arthritic knee and foot! UGH! I think at one time or another, we all fee pain! The FARMACIA’S here are great for pain! LOL
Our group of 8 had a rough sleeping night at the Albergue. It was a NICE PLACE.
We departed today VERY early to beat the afternoon Spanish sun- 5:00 AM! Â We walked over 16 Km and got to our Albergue in Cirauqui very early in the day.
The town of Obanos was nearing the end of a 5 day festival. They partied all night and we passed some party goers at 5:30 am. I was amazed today, and have been, since I arrived in Spain at the respect shown towards pilgrims. Spanish people are Very Kind!
Puenta la Reina was beautiful!
It was it was a glorious morning walk as the sun rose in Puenta la Reina!
We climbed a hill as we entered Cirauqui for the night!

I am loving this adventure and the wonderful people I have met. Today, extra sleep, rest, and some TLC for me. Tomorrow we walk again!
Hi Dan!!!
We are truly enjoying following you on this adventure. We admire your courage and your sense of adventure. This is a huge undertaking, however the beauty of the camino is evident through these gorgeous pictures, and the fact that you are having so much fun, we hope far out weigh any pain you are feeling. We can already sense in your tone that you are experiencing the benefits of this voyage. Walk on dear friend and as we can see that you are taking time to enjoy the scenery. Have fun and God Bless you and keep you.
Hi Marty & Marty:
This is an AMAZING trip . I will manage the pain.
I love knowing that there is still kindness in this world! The Spaniards have been amazing!
Only 650 Km to go! LOL
Hi Dan,
Sorry to hear you are suffering a little. It seems though that you have lots to distract you and many beautiful plaes to enjoy. Walk on!
Hi Dan,
Just a quick note to let u know how much I enjoy ur posts. Each night I read them aloud to ur brother and share your photos. We are so happy for you. Thank u for letting us see the world that we may never get a chance to see. ( can u imagine Michael doing this? NO!! lol) Enjoy and keep up the good work!! Xoxo lynsay
One more thing I forgot to tell you. If you go to one of the farmacias looking for pain medication, when the pharmacist offers you something, shake your head and say mas fuerte! I was with someone who was truly in pain and they have a super strong kind of ibuprophen that took care of her. Also, if you have blisters you can get iodine there. It has a funny name in Spanish but if you pop the blister then put iodine on it, it dries out. Hikers wool takes care of the rest.
Just caught up….amazing pix and scenery. We may need to see some of the food you are enjoying!
I hope the Aussies bought some Vegemite so you don’t go without!