Sunday September 27, 2015
I left Palas de Rei today early for what I hoped would be a good day of walking. I planned to reach the town of Arzua which was 29.5 Km away. I realize that I have had extreme foot pain, but it is hard not walk as far as you possibly can, when you are this close to reaching Santiago!
This photo was taken on Day 2, August 24, 2015. I remember standing there thinking ” OMG WILL I DO THIS?”
This photo was taken today, September 27, 2015. When I saw it, I ran to it! This is what motivated us to go so far today, pain or not! 2 more days and I should be in  Santiago!
We only have 28.6 Km to go now to reach Santiago! WooHoo!
Tomorrow night we will stay in Monte de Goso. It is suggested to stay there and walk the last 4.5 Km the next day to Santiago. We should be able to see the Cathedral lit up at night.
I spoke yesterday of my 3 new Aussie friends. We met by pure accident yesterday as we drank some beer to replenish our electrolytes from walking. One laugh led to many more and we decided to walk and laugh all day together. Bronwyn, Anne, and Rick made the perfect walking team for me.
We were all mesmerized by the simple beauty of the forest, we spoke of our aches/pains/rashes, and we just simply shared many laughs on such a PERFECT day.
SPECIAL NOTE: I have had so much fun with the Aussies I have met on this trip! It must be because I consider Australia my second home! Helen, Alison, and Angela, I still love you dearly! I now have 3 more GREAT Aussie friends!
I have no idea where time went, but we walked and laughed and laughed and walked! We stopped for cafe, lunch, water, and more cafe. When we were able to, we jumped on WiFi ( pronounced WeeFee in Spain). It is often unreliable.
Here are some pics from today!
I noticed yesterday that many homes had these ” box type” on their property. What were they? Almost all had crosses on top. We found out that they were/ are grain storage places. The cement lip keeps the rats from getting into the grain. They can’t climb up over the outcrop part near the bottom.
Check these out. What do you think?
TODAY WE FOUND OUT THAT THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH DEATH ( well maybe the death of a plant). THEY ARE HUTS FOR DRYING VEGETABLES … aka tomatoes, peppers etc!
I saw some amazing derelict structures as well as some amazing stone structures while walking today!

Hey Dan
Almost there! I’ve enjoyed reliving my own camino through yours. Still hoping you are booking into the Hotel Sanfrancisco in Santiago for some well deserved luxury.
Some of those little house things on top of the cement lips were/ are grain storage places. That lip keeps the rats from getting into the grain. They can’t climb up over the outcrop part near the bottom.
I hope Santiago is everything you hope it will be. The mass is amazing. Enjoy your time there. I hope you walk on to Finisterre. It’s a spectacular walk and seemed to me like the real end of the journey because there is nowhere else to walk except into the sea.
Good luck tomorrow.
You are sooooooo close. Rooting for you. So happy to hear you are doing well.
wOw Dan your photos are amazing and you have enjoyed it so much despite the difficulty and the pain .
I hope you day is great tomorrow and that Santiago is as enjoyable as it can be.
I am trying the see the total eclipse and blood moon right now.