A New Chapter in Life is 1 Week Away…YIKES!


I have had a very emotional week. I held it together at school really well but at home, NO SO MUCH! There have been many tears. They are of many emotions; joy, pride, sadness, fear of what is ahead, relief, and happiness.

I know this is the right decision for me, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. KIDS: God Bless Them! If I have ever had a bad day, I’d go visit the kids. They instantly made me laugh, their innocence, their honesty, their ever developing and inquisitive minds have kept me young!

Silverthorn P.S. has been my home for over 5 years. I think it was a tough week for all;  staff, parents, and the kids. So many staff prepared to move on next year to other jobs, the kids were upset and will miss them, parents are unsure about what is ahead, and I tried to prepare to let go and hand over the school to someone else….NOT EASY!

My cards from staff and kids were so deeply touching, I received many gifts as well, again very touching. It was just a hard week for me as I prepared to leave education after a lifetime of being in it. My ONLY hope was that I was able to positively affect the lives of kids!

This is the beginning of a huge transition for me. I am emotional about it, and am trying to cope, and train for my big hike across Spain.

Oh yes, the hike across Spain…El Camino de Santiago de Compostela! I like to think of it as Santiago or Bust! I have mixed emotions about retiring and about how I will train to walk 800 Km.image

I know I will wear the T Shirt given to me this week. A T Shirt signed by the kids in the school. WHAT A GREAT GIFT! On my days when my body aches, my walking is slow, my mood is sad, and my motivation is low, I will look at this shirt and be reminded that the kids made this for me and their endless energy can be transformed from that shirt into me and motivate myself to KEEP ON WALKING!




  • All Camino de Santiago  photos are downloaded from Camino Frances Images on google.com


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