Saturday September 26, 2015
I am 65 Km away from Santiago! I was wrong the other day when I said 100. It was actually 120 Km. 3 more days!
The number of pilgrims has doubled because SO MANY begin in Sarria (you only have to walk 100 Km from Sarria to Santiago to get a Compostela) and many other routes merge in Sarria with my route, The Camino Frances ( 824 Km from Saint Jean Pied du Porte, France to Santiago, Spain).
I am in the Region of Galicia (aka Province). The language, food, and weather have changed. This region is known for its rain and fog.
Today’s Walk:
I began at 8:15am and it was cool with a very thick fog. I did not take many pics! The first few are of my foggy walk.
This is a school I passed today!
I WAS ATTRACTED TO THE COLOUR OF MANY FLOWERS TODAY! It really helped break up the dreariness of a constant mist and fog all morning!
FINALLY, the fog lifted just before noon as I arrived in Palas de Rei!

Total Steps = 31,692 steps in total.
Dan, you are a true inspiration. What an amazing journey!! Although it was a foggy day your pictures are truly wonderful. I see the pics and scenery and wish I was there….then I think of the the accommodations and change my mind. The Camino sounds like a truly wonderful experience.
Keep safe the finish line is there for you to cross!!
Enjoy a great spa treatment at the end.
Miss you!