My Departure Date is Less than 2 Weeks Away!
I am currently up at a friend’s cottage deeply contemplating the GRAND ADVENTURE that I am about to embark upon!

Hiking El Camino is a daunting adventure to plan, ponder, and then finally take the leap to do. It makes very little difference if it’s your first time hiking it or not. Â On July 26, 2017, I will embark on my hiking part of El Camino for the second time! I can hardly wait! I feel the Camino calling me back! I know I need to do it again, but I am anxious about it. My anxiety is for many different reasons than what it was when I did it for the first time in 2015!
In 2015, I had no idea what to expect. I just trained, packed my backpack, jumped on a plane and hoped for the best! This time, there us little unknown, I am meeting friends I met 2 years ago and walking it with them. I know what to pack. I know the demands of the hike. I know most everything about it! I have decided to only hike 500 Km of the total 800 Km hike!

I am only doing 500 Km of the 800 Km this year.
I have chosen to spend 5 days in Paris with my Aussie friends before returning to Toronto to start a work contract in early September. It was either hike all 800 Km alone and leave earlier OR meet some very dear friends, hike 500 Km with them, spend time in Paris with them, and then head home without completing the journey. The work contract that awaits is something I am excited about doing so I can fund further adventures.
The Camino will be there for me to return to next year to finish, but the chance to meet and hike with my friends from Australia and the USA will not be there.
Why am I So Anxious this Time?
I  was fine until 3 weeks ago. I had lost 35 pounds in the last year, I was hiking 100 Km weekly, I was training in the gym, and I was so excited! I was so prepared ! I was ready to kill this hike!
Then my back decided to toss a wrench into my plan! It decided to challenge me! I will live up to that challenge.
My 2 torn discs have been acting up and pinching the nerve in my left leg. I have had trouble walking more than 10 Km without extreme pain and discomfort. It has been a very trying 3 weeks particularly since I was set to really conquer this challenge!
Sometimes my back and/or legs ache from the constant pain. There are times when my legs feel like they will just give way. I have had to adjust, re-train, re-focus, and plan accordingly. It’s like what the GPS in my car often says  -“RE-CALCULATING ”
I have been deeply committed to therapy and medical help. THINGS HAVE GREATLY IMPROVED! There is no reason for me to worry, but I must be cautious!
I have packing my backpack down to an art and I am able to keep it to 6.5 Kg (14 pounds) with 2 liters of water included! My doctor and back doctor have cautioned me about even carrying that amount of weight and hiking 20 Km daily. They have told me not to play with fire!
I have reluctantly decided to use the Camino transport service and ship my pack ahead daily and carry a 3.5 Kg ( 6.5 pounds ) daypack instead of hauling my full pack. THIS IS NOT WHAT I ENVISIONED, but I need to be smart. I want to enjoy this journey pain free and without further injury!

My anxiety comes from the back worry, but if I am smart, listen to my body, medical practitioners’ advice, and try NOT to be a hero, ALL WILL BE GOOD!
There are no set rules on how a person hikes in the Camino!
There are many people who believe that if you don’t walk every step, if you don’t carry your backpack, then you’re not a true pilgrim. That is their own personal belief, not what is required for one to get their certificate of completion.
The Camino is your way, Â your personal way! However you choose to cover the distance is up to you! Â The one thing you can count on when doing the Camino is that there is no judgement of you by others.
Those who oppose rules and restrictions upon hikers are judging them and that defeats the whole purpose of why one even does the journey.
Hiking El Camino is one of the most rewarding experiences in your life! There are few set rules, there is no prize, and there are no people making judgements and decisions whether your way with the right way or not.
I have had to learn not judge myself for needing to send my pack ahead!
I will do a final re-pack this week along with a couple training walks.
I am excited to fly into Paris instead if Madrid this time and spend 2 nights in Bordeaux and Saint Jean Pied de Port, France before I begin.
This trip will be full of photographs, time with dear friends, many laughs, and SO MUCH ADVENTURE!
I will do a few more blog posts before I leave!
Stay tuned everyone as I will blog each day and all that happens on this site;
See You in September!
Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. Smart move having your backpack shipped. Makes sense to avoid additional pain while your back heals. This way you can enjoy the Camino and not cause yourself any additional pain since the mountain walks will be challenging enough. Way to go Dan.
Good luck Dan. It must be nice to walk with your friends. I’m spending my days at the hospital as my husband has pneumonia. It is so hard to see him suffer.
Hi Dan Do everything you can to make things easier for yourself and your back. You only have one back. Forget about what others think they don’t matter. Perhaps believing this this adventure will like a new experience — a second child. Different doesn’t have to be perfect.
Hi Dan Do everything you can to make things easier for yourself and your back. You only have one back. Forget about what others think they don’t matter. Perhaps believing this this adventure will like a new experience — a second child. Different doesn’t have to be perfect.
Good luck Dan, look forward to your posts as you adventure out on your camino.