Don’t Forget Your Password!

Forgetting a Website Password Can Cause Anxiety!

I have to talk about computer passwords for a bit. Look at the image below and let me know if you can relate.


Read this below and ask yourself has this ever happened to you?

I completely understand the need to NOT use the same computer password for all the different web sites that I need them for. I’m told that having different passwords for each site is for security purposes. It is for my protection. It is to keep my money and private information safe, right?

I understand that concept. BUT GUESS WHAT?

What happens when you forget your password(s)? Let’s chat about that for a moment.

NOT remembering my various web site passwords has happened to me a lot lately. I think I know the real reason for this and it has nothing to do with my memory!

The Scenario;

I end up logging on to to some web site, and it asks for my password. Guess what? I sometimes forget what that password is.

Luckily, some sites have a safety guard built in. Answer a security question.  What is your mother’s maiden name? What was your first car? What was the first word you spoke? Blah Blah Blah. Yes you may get a security question and you are expected to give an answer that you were prompted to provide 10 years ago.


Often, you attempt a few times to enter the password that you have forgotten and you see this message;  “YOU HAVE 1 ATTEMPT LEFT, then you will be LOCKED out!

Every time I see that message, I freeze. I feel the blood rush to my head, my adrenaline races through my body, and my mind goes blank on what the freaking password is! PANIC sets in.

OMG What do I do? Oh yes, all I have to do is simply hit the Forgot Password Link…EASY! Right?

BEWARE FRIENDS, this is not the easy route at all!!!

This is what happens once you click that link.  After clicking that link, you immediately think that once you enter an email, you will get your password. NO NO NO NO!

It asks for your email address and sends you a link to click to re-set your password. Once you go to that site, you need to create a new password that has to adhere to certain specifications:

Must be 8 characters

Must have a capital letter

Must have a symbol

Must have a number

Must NOT be one used before (That’s easy because I can’t remember the one I used before. If I could, I wouldn’t  be on this freaking page to begin with!)

CAN YOU RELATE? I think the entire FORGOT PASSWORD saga is the very reason why I can’t remember any of my passwords to begin with!! It is not my memory, it is that I have had to create thousands of different passwords over the years.

LOOK AT THIS IMAGE. I saw it today and burst our laughing.


Please help me keep my personal business cure by NOT SHARING what I have decided to try as my new passwords. I will simply assign a numerical number to each different site I use and then put one simple phrase in front of that number.

See below;




How easy is that?

My first desire was for a password a little more offensive!




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