Today Was a Thrill of a Lifetime!
My buddy Ric and I decided late yesterday to live life on the edge. We called to see if we could go up the Mountain of O’Cebreiro on horseback.
I was nervous when Victor the owner, said he had space for us. I had never ridden a horse before! I was happy to have the break and be off my feet! I hiked this mountain in 2015 and it is a REAL CHALLENGE!
We had to start early this am as we were 4Km from the starting point town of Las Herrerias.
Up we got, and off we went. I was excited but nervous. We arrived at Victors place early and we were able to see him bring each horse out front. 6 people, 6 horses!
There were 2 that looked like they danced to their own beat! No way I was riding one of them!
Luck was on my side, because one brown mare named Carlotta was mine! She was beautiful and I felt easy on her. Hikingdan was about go horseback!
Me, looking nervous as I chose a mountain to be the first thing I challenge on my 1st horse ride!

As we proceeded I thought I heard thunder! The sky was clear though?
It wasn’t thunder! It was Carlotta! She farted! OMG! It was the loudest and longest fart I had ever heard! Everyone was howling!
Victor said she always farts, but really for 2.5 hours! Poor Darling! Victor told us that the vet said she was fine!
Off I went on a big horse that farted non stop the entire way! My special horse Carlotta!
All I know as lie here writing this is that my butt aches! At least it deters from the pain in my knee!!

Me riding Farting Carlotta!

Tomorrow is 25Km down to Samos in the pouring rain!
You should write a song about “Farting Carlotta” to the tune of “Waltzing Matilda” ??
Haha… and I should have warned you about the button pain. Mia culpable!
Glad you are feeling better.
Just catching up with your blog. Ultreia