A GORGEOUS Fall Day in Santiago After All!
I was in beautiful Finisterre this morning. Late last night an ocean storm rolled in and by 7 am, we had torrential rain and high winds. I decided to grab an early bus back to Santiago and get ready to head home tomorrow.
Santiago was also a downpour but the sun has tried to appear for two hours now, and it succeeded! Suddenly I feel better!
I was able to see one of my walking friends, George one last time before he took his train to Madrid so he could catch his flight tomorrow. It was a great lunch! Leaving the last person I knew in Santiago was very sad! There is no one here I know and those that I do know, Â have yet to arrive!
I now feel like the LAST GUY to leave the party! You know, everyone is gone, the hosts are exhausted, time to go?.
It was certainly exciting starting my Camino but a BIG DOWNER to end it!
I feel differently now. I REALLY like this city. It has a great energy about it.
I took a walk to the Cathedral Square a few hours ago and watched new pilgrims arrive. THEIR FACES WERE SO FULL OF EXCITEMENT KNOWING THEY TOO HAD JUST ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING GREAT! You have to smile witnessing that!
I then strolled over to the office to see the other new arrivals receive their Compostela’s. THEY TOO WERE SO EXCITED!
Thousands of pilgrims before me have done this, and there will be thousands more afterwards. It is a cycle of joy, energy, satisfaction, and self amazement! No drug can replace the feeling you get when you do your journey!
The “actual walking portion” of my journey may be over, but my pilgrimage continues.
It is up to me to decide how to take what I have learned on The Camino and apply it to my own life. I think that will be by far, Â the hardest part of this journey!
On August 20, 2015, I left Toronto for an adventure! I SERIOUSLY had no idea what was ahead of me except a LOT OF WALKING! I posted the three above photos as I began my Camino.
On August 22, 2015, I checked into a small Bed & Breakfast in the town of Saint Jean Pied De Porte in the Pyrenees Mountains of France. I WAS PETRIFIED!, but told no-one!
That night an EXTREME STORM Â struck and I was so worried about gearing up to begin an 800+ Km hike across 2 Countries.
August 23, 2015 was the day I made a change in my life that I will NEVER forget! I got up in the rain, strapped on my pack, said goodbye to my hosts, and said to myself ” Buckle Up and JUST KEEP WALKING. YOU CAN DO THIS”.

It is October 5, 2015 and guess what? I DID IT!
44 days, 2 countries, 3 pairs of shoes, multiple aches & pains, many sleepless nights, 823 Km, speaking a foreign language, falling in love with a Nation, and meeting some of the most wonderful people ever, makes me a Happy Man Today!
There is no room for sadness!
I WANT TO THANK THE PEOPLE OF SPAIN! They opened up their nation, their homes, and their hearts and their souls to all of us.
When you walked through a town, they must have said; ” Buenas Dias, and Buen Camino” a thousand times. Each time they said it to me, they looked right at my eyes as if it were their first time! I was not the only one.
I can actually have a full conversation in Spanish now! The people helped me become more confident in a language I had not spoken in years!
The people of Spain allowed me to be a pilgrim and live out a dream. They were not bothered by us. They were happy for us!
Some photos used in today’s blog were taken by my dear friend, Alison Kelly. Thanks Alison for taking better photos than I do.
We would like to welcome you home and congratulate you on this wonderful journey. We must admit that even though we are so happy for you, we are sad because we so looked forward to the amazing blogs and pictures. We loved following you everyday and hearing about your adventure, nonetheless all good things must come to an end but as you said the walk is over but your pilgrimage is not. These blogs were so well written and illustrated. Great job!!! We appreciate your hard work and your decision to share with us. Thank-you. We hope to see you soon:)