It’s All in the Innocence of A Baby’s Smile!

Have you ever noticed how adults seem to just melt and go crazy when they are around babies? What is with that? Why does their behaviour change? Â What is it about babies that makes them so happy, kind, sweet, and nice all the time? I have never understood it.
I have even noticed how that behaviour is magnified when the baby is one in their family.
When my own dad became a grandfather over 30 years ago, I was in total shock at his behaviour. Â He just wasn’t the same guy around the babies. I always remember telling my friends about how happy he was to see his grandkids. He never spoke to them like he spoke to me when I was a child. The grandchildren always had pockets full of candy to pick from. They were played with and held, and he was never yelling! I often asked myself, “who is this guy?”
I never got candy, I got a smack!

Why am I Blogging About this ?
Yesterday, some of my family met at a restaurant for a Good Friday meal of fish. One of my sister in law’s had her family come. All of her sisters kids have had their own kids. There were 4 babies under the age of 1 there. One of them was my Great Nephew Joey, who is only 2 months old.

I sat quietly and watched and listened yesterday. It was like all the grandparents had taken Prozac or something. The mood was happy, high in spirit, joyful, and I have never seen such big smiles like that on any of these people before. Everyone was trying to hold, kiss, talk, to, and cuddle a baby.
What magical powers did these babies have? It was unreal? Babies were everywhere and the adults were drunk on happiness.
I played it cool, observed, didn’t get too close and then something happened. I am afraid of babies. I find them too delicate and I stay away. Holding one, freaks me out. I usually keep my distance. I went to go see little Joey and he clutched my finger in his hand. I didn’t know it at that moment, but I would never be the same again.

As Joey clutched my finger, the magic happened. My heart melted. I smiled the biggest smile ever. I felt my face stretch. My voice changed tones. Words have I never spoken before flowed out. I was engaged in baby talk, FLUENTLY at that! I had it mastered!
I was flooded with thought. It all became clear to me. I suddenly understood that JOY and LOVE on each grandparents face at the mere sight of their grandchildren. I understood how my own father morphed into Mr Happy so many years ago. I was Mr Happy at that very moment!

I began visiting all the babies, wanting photos, and I was on a high. It was hilarious and I couldn’t keep away from Joey. I love all my nieces and nephews to death. But to see and touch your nieces baby was so special!

Then I had thoughts of all my other nieces and nephews having a babies. I wanted to cry of happiness! This is the meaning of life! This is what my dad lived for.
I will NEVER experience the joy of being a parent or grandparent. I will simply get this joy from my nieces and nephews as they have children.
Yesterday, I think I felt the true meaning of Family and Good Friday. I was all thanks to an innocent baby who was oblivious to it all!
My mom and dad would have just adored him!

I came home yesterday so very happy. One of my dearest fiends has 2 Great nephews and she is always talking about them and her stories make me smile. She said “Dan, just wait. Being around your Great nephew will make you smile. Every photo and video you get you will love looking at”. She is so right!!
Little Joey, your are the new found joy to my days!
Happy Easter Everyone!

I love the baby photos. You would be a great uncle Dan. I’m waiting for my first grandchild to come along.