A HIKE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY! Today was just too glorious not to hike! I wanted to do 25 Km, but ended up stopping at 22 Km. SUCH A GREAT DAY! I went for my walk in Port Credit, Mississauga. I was able to listen to my tunes, and […]
Hikingdan: Can Hiking In Nature Transform Your Mind, Body, and Soul?
Reflections Through Hiking on Life's Triumphs, Challenges, and Adventures!
A HIKE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY! Today was just too glorious not to hike! I wanted to do 25 Km, but ended up stopping at 22 Km. SUCH A GREAT DAY! I went for my walk in Port Credit, Mississauga. I was able to listen to my tunes, and […]