1 Week Away From Retiring and Begining to Prepare to Walk 800+ Km

                             Who Me, a Blogger? 

Welcome to my 1st EVER BLOG!

I have to say this will be a learning venture for me day by day. I have never even thought of writing a blog before. Why have I decided to start a blog?

June 30, 2015 marks the date that I retire from a 32 year career in education. I taught for 22 years and have been an administrator for the last 10, culminating my career as a principal. I have LOVED it all, and certainly the kids have been the best part.

I decided that upon retirement, I wanted to do something special just for myself. It was 10 years ago when I first read a book titled, The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho. There was a quote in the book that really resonated with me. ” It has been said that there is no such thing as coincidence in this world”. I believe that wholeheartedly. I believe that it was no coincidence that my last six years as a principal were at the very school on the same street that I grew up on!

Coelho’s book, The Pilgrimage is about a man who takes a religious pilgrimage and walks 800 Km from the Pyrenees Mountains in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. This book led me to read several others over the last decade and with each one, my Camino was slowly being etched in my mind, my heart, and in my soul.


I leave Toronto on August 20th for the trip of a lifetime. I begin my walk, my Camino, my pilgrimage on August 23, 2015. This blog is designed for anyone who wishes to follow my journey from retirement, to planning/preparing, to walking, and to whatever comes my way from August 20, 2015 to October 6, 2015.

This is a huge venture for me. I am not a hiker at all and I am just learning what gear I need, how to pack a backpack, and learn about the country and terrain I will be hiking. Did I mention that I AM GOING ALONE?

I will carry all my gear, and stay in dormitory hostel type accommodation along the way. This is out of my comfort zone but I am still very excited bout it.

I will say to myself in Blog # 1 – Buen Camino!




  • All photos are downloaded from Camino Frances Images on google.com


4 thoughts on “1 Week Away From Retiring and Begining to Prepare to Walk 800+ Km

  1. LOVE this! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. If they’re going to be anything like the thirty-two years you’ve had in education, you’re going to have a BLAST! Buena suerte, mi amigo xx

  2. Danny you are such an inspiration to me and my family. We love you very much and congratulate you on your retirement. I have no doubt the positive impact you have had on many children along with your co-workers. We wish you happiness and good health and lots of luck and strength on your walk. Lots of Love Kim Forgione xoxo

  3. Hey Dan, I have had an emotional week too. We have had many things to deal with on the staff. The kids have been sweet. One boy( in the Medically Fragile class) starting clapping as soon as I entered the room this week because he knows that I sit and play for him for a while. I leave on Sunday and will be back before you depart in August. Enjoy the summer hear and I will be following your blog. Today was extra emotional because this was it.
    Thanks for the gift card. I will have time to read and we did miss you. Bye for now.

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